Kodi F4MTester Add-on – Installation Guide

Streaming on Kodi with the Live TV Kodi Addons is very fun, but there are some of the Addons which are active on the back-end providing some decoding protocols. F4M Tester Kodi Addon serves as a key role player for many of the Live TV streaming Addons, due to its high decoding protocol service. Installing the F4M Tester automatically supports the Live TV Addons. You can stream the content you wish through F4M Tester Kodi Addon. F4M Tester automatically installs itself with a variety of Addons, and it is also available to install by itself. F4M Tester decodes the F4M manifest files, where the live stream file that Kodi plays is grabbed out from F4M files. Multiple bitrates can be configured through the different stream files, which can be generated depending on the internet speed or defined quality.

F4M Tester addon plays an important role in streaming movies and TV shows in HD quality. The addon was developed by Shani. F4mtester addon works as a key player for other live TV streaming addons. Moreover, the addon has the ability to install itself automatically with other addons. The main fest files of the F4M are decoded by the F4M Tester and the live streaming files that played with Kodi media player are taken out from the F4M files. Apart from this, it contains more streaming data than other regular streaming files. In the F4M Tester addon, multiple bit rates can be configured easily according to the speed of your internet connection. The F4M Tester addon contains Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming, Real-Time Messaging Protocol, and Real-Time Media Flow Protocol to stream contents in the video player.

F4M Tester Kodi addon can store different quality of videos and audio tracks can be stored in a separate location. It allows you to save extra metadata and stream information on the files. The unique interface of the addon, which allows you to optimize the file into multiple smaller files and it will get all together while streaming. The data of the addon are saved in the Flash Media Manifest format. We offer you the simple guide to download and install F4M Tester addon on the 100+ Kodi add ons 2019 supported devices.

Kodi F4MTester Add-on Install Guide

  • From the Kodi main menu, navigate to SYSTEM > File Manager > Add Source
  • Select None and type the following: http://fusion.tvaddons.co and select Done
  • Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source & type fusion
  • Select OK and go back to your Home Screen
  • To install the VinMan java files: Select SYSTEM > Add-Ons > Install from zip file > fusion > xbmc-repos > International > repository.xbmchub-x.x.x.zip
  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification and then select Install from repository
  • TVADDONS.co Addon Repository > Video Add-Ons > F4MTester > Install
  • Wait for Add-on enabled notification

Congratulations! You have successfully installed F4MTester on Kodi, you can now sit back and enjoy seamless Live TV streams from the comfort of your living room. As you can see above the F4Mtester can now be seen in your program addons section.

For those who are wondering what happens if you try and launch F4MTester you will be surprised to know that the addon itself doesn’t do anything by itself. It’s one of those support addons that work in the background.

Now as I promised earlier, let’s look at what Http Dynamic Streaming is all about and why so many live tv addons that use this technology rely on F4MTester to function properly.